Amatrol has developed the most comprehensive, in-depth selection of online electrical training solutions available today, beginning with the basics of AC/DC electrical and moving on to more advanced topics like electrical machines, relay control, fabrication, electrical motor control, electrical wiring and power distribution.


Students succeed with real-world applications more quickly after using these training tools.
These learning systems feature world-class online curriculum, skill assessment, and real-world components for an unmatched offering of skill-building possibilities. Many of these systems also offer fault troubleshooting training through Amatrol’s FaultPro, the industry’s premier electronic fault insertion product. The equipment available in this technical area is an integral part of several Amatrol programs like HVAC, Power and Energy, Green Energy, Industrial Maintenance, and many more!
Amatrol not only offers the fullest range of electrical training solutions, but we’ve also designed additional systems that cater to diverse customer needs. We offer online electrical learning systems for industrial and post-secondary training, as well as systems specifically geared toward high school programs. Amatrol has also produced an extensive assortment of portable electrical systems for when you need training on-the-go.
The Most Comprehensive, In-Depth Selection of Electrical Training Available
Portable Options for Electrical Training
DAC Worldwide
DAC Worldwide has the Electrical teaching aids necessary to build up competencies of future and current workforce members. The available Electrical training aids are an integral part of many DAC Worldwide programs, such as Advanced Manufacturing, Chemical Manufacturing, Marine, Military, Oil & Gas, and Power Generation.
DAC Worldwide's electrical cutaways offer an inside look at many components commonly found in the workplace to enhance the learning experience. These cutaways include transformers, AC Motors, generators, and many more.
DAC Worldwide's electrical dissectibles offer the perfect solution when you wish to see the interior of a component. These dissectibles showcase the inner workings of common industrial components.
Sample Boards
DAC Worldwide's electrical sample boards are perfect for component identification & selection. Sample boards help reinforce training and serve as a quick reference tool.
Where does zSpace fit?
zSpace gives students a safe and efficient way to apply theory by simulating a broad range of practical and complex tasks. At TechEd Products we help you create a mix of curriculum, simulation software, and simulation hardware to shorten the learning curve and allow your students to succeed in real-world applications sooner.
Some of our electrical customers are checking out zSpace laptops to their students, allowing them to practice a wide range of tasks from each area. Contact us at info@techedproducts.com to see what distanced learning options are available on zSpace for your CTE program.