Specialist certifications are modular certifications, consisting of a series of core and elective micro-credentials, each with its own hands-on practical assessment and a written (online) knowledge assessment. Core micro-credentials certify skills that are applicable to all companies, while elective micro-credentials can be added to match with regional or specific company needs.
The Specialist certifications offered by SACA are:

Core Micro-Credentials:
Certified Industry 4.0 Automation Systems Specialist
SACA's Certified Industry 4.0 Automation Systems Specialist I certification prepares individuals to succeed in entry-level maintenance technician positions in modern production environments that use Industry 4.0 technologies. This certification also features a variety of elective micro-credentials that are ideal for individuals seeking to become versed in Industry 4.0 automation or those pursuing SACA Professional Certification.
Elective Micro-Credentials:
C-101 Associate-Basic Operations
(*) - or SACA C101 Associate-Basic Operations and C-102 Associate-Advanced Operations Certifications
(**) - or SACA C-102 Associate-Advanced Operations and C-104 Associate-IIoT and Data Analytics Certifications
(***) - or SACA C-103 Associate-Robot Systems Certification
Certified Industry 4.0 Production Systems Specialist
SACA's Certified Industry 4.0 Production Systems Specialist I certification prepares individuals to succeed in entry-level manufacturing technician and engineering positions in modern production environments that use Industry 4.0 technologies. This certification also features a variety of elective micro-credentials that are ideal for individuals seeking to become versed in Industry 4.0 automation or those pursuing SACA Professional Certification.

Core Micro-Credentials:
C-101 Associate-Basic Operations
C-102 Associate-Advanced Operations
Quality Systems 1 (with SPC)
Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing 1
CNC Operations 1
Lean Manufacturing 1
Additive Manufacturing 1
Industry 4.0 Predictive Maintenance 1
Team Performance 1
Manufacturing Execution Systems 1
Elective Micro-Credentials:
Manual Machining 1
Manual Machining 2
Plastics Operations 1
Welding Operations 1
(*) - or SACA C-103 Associate-Robot Systems Certification

Certified Industry 4.0 IT Systems Specialist
SACA's Certified Industry 4.0 IT Systems Specialist I certification prepares individuals to succeed in entry-level information technology technician and engineering positions in modern production environments that use Industry 4.0 technologies. This certification also features a variety of elective micro-credentials that are ideal for individuals seeking to become versed in Industry 4.0 automation or those pursuing SACA Professional Certification.
Elective Micro-Credentials:
Core Micro-Credentials:
C-101 Associate-Basic Operations
C-213 Smart Sensors 1
SCADA Systems 1
Industrial Network Security Systems 1
(*) - or SACA C-103 Associate-Robot Systems Certification
(**) - or SACA C-102 Associate-Advanced Operations and C-104 Associate-IIoT and Data Analytics Certifications
Certified Industry 4.0 Operations Specialist
SACA's Certified Industry 4.0 Operations Specialist certification prepares individuals to succeed as a team lead operator in modern production environments that use Industry 4.0 technologies. In this role, individuals will perform automated machine setup and adjustment, operate and monitor system operation, perform preventive and predictive maintenance, and analyze and optimize system operation.
Core Micro-Credentials:
C-101 Associate-Basic Operations
C-102 Associate-Advanced Operations
C-103 Robot System Operations

Certified Industry 4.0 Electrical Systems Specialist
SACA's Certified Industry 4.0 Electrical Systems Specialist certification prepares individuals to succeed as an industrial electrician in modern production environments that use Industry 4.0 technologies. In this role, individuals will install, troubleshoot, repair, and maintain industrial electrical circuits and electric motor systems.
Core Micro-Credentials:
C-101 Associate-Basic Operations
Certified Industry 4.0 Control Systems Specialist
SACA's Certified Industry 4.0 Control Systems Specialist certification prepares individuals to succeed as a controls technician in modern production environments that use Industry 4.0 technologies. In this role, individuals will install, troubleshoot, repair, and maintain industrial control systems using sensors, programmable controllers, and variable frequency drives.
Core Micro-Credentials:
C-101 Associate-Basic Operations

Certified Industry 4.0 Robotics Specialist
SACA's Certified Industry 4.0 Robotics Specialist certification prepares individuals to succeed as a robotics technician in modern production environments that use Industry 4.0 technologies. In this role, individuals will install, program, test, interface, and maintain industrial robot systems and workcells.
Core Micro-Credentials:
C-101 Associate-Basic Operations
C-102- Industry 4.0 Advanced Operations
Certified Industry 4.0 Network Systems Specialist
SACA's Certified Industry 4.0 Network Systems Specialist certification prepares individuals to succeed as a technician supporting networked Industry 4.0 automation systems. In this role, individuals will install, program, troubleshoot, monitor, and maintain networked automation systems using Ethernet networks, smart sensors, controllers, data analytics software, and automated machines.
Core Micro-Credentials:
C-101 Associate-Basic Operations
C-102 Industry 4.0 Advanced Operations
C-104 Industry 4.0 Networking, IIoT and Data Analytics

Certified Industry 4.0 Instrumentation Specialist
SACA's Certified Industry 4.0 Instrumentation Specialist certification prepares individuals to succeed as an instrumentation technician in modern production environments that use Industry 4.0 technologies. In this role, individuals will install, troubleshoot, repair, and maintain instrumentation and control systems using transducers, transmitters, and PID controllers used to control flow, pressure, temperature and pressure of industrial fluid processes.
Core Micro-Credentials:
Certified Industry 4.0 Mechanical Systems Specialist
SACA's Certified Industry 4.0 Mechanical Systems Specialist certification prepares individuals to succeed as an industrial mechanic in modern production environments that use Industry 4.0 technologies. In this role, individuals will install, troubleshoot, repair, and maintain industrial mechanical power transmission systems using belt, chain, shaft coupling, and gear power transmission methods.
Core Micro-Credentials:

Certified Industry 4.0 Electro-Fluid Power Systems Specialist
SACA's Certified Industry 4.0 Electro-Fluid Power Systems Specialist certification prepares individuals to succeed as an electro-fluid power technician in modern production environments that use Industry 4.0 technologies. In this role, individuals will install, troubleshoot, repair, and maintain industrial solenoid-operated hydraulic and pneumatic systems.
Core Micro-Credentials:
C-101 Associate-Basic Operations